Shailesh Jha author shaileshjha.com
I take interest in any thing that is intellectually challenging and catches my fancy. I was always interested in computers. I remember doing a computer science project in school as a part of class assignment. I put in a lot of effort and although I was not good at the subject, the project was well appreciated. I guess that was the turning point. Can’t say I dedicated my life studying computers after that but I have been playing around with it for a long time, specially long sleepless nights. In the process, my mind became more and more confused looking at the complexity of the whole digital world. I gave up many times but again got back many times. I still continue to stare at the computer screen and try to understand the symmetry behind the chaos. I collected a lot of information in the process. This blog is a way to unburden my mind and share some of the information that might be useful for not so techie people to handle common issue in computers. By profession I have a day job in one of the outsourcing companies in India.
Shailesh Jha
([email protected])